TNA Turning Point Preview\Predictions:
Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe:
It's hard to really pick the winner since Jarret has been on a heel momentum since the Immortal reveal. With attacking Angle, Joe and Morgan, it looks like it will be a clean win for Joe despite the push for Jarret just to give something for Joe to go with these days and start hopefully a new feud with someone, perhaps against someone In Immortal\Fortune.
Samoa Joe in a clean victory.
* RVD vs. Tommy Dreamer:
Well, RVD's recent “Paranoid” angle is garbage, just garbage, I do not care about EV2 or RVD for that matter, so I really have no interest in what will happen here. I can totally see a heel turn of Tommy Dreamer on RVD and costing the EV2 match as well.
Tommy Dreamer with a victory and turning heel on RVD.
* EV2.0 vs. Fortune (A member of the losing team will be fired.):
The initial plan was to end the Fortune Vs EV2 story at the last PPV, but for some odd reason, TNA has decided to drag this crapshoot of a story even longer. On the positive note, I can almost guarantee that atleast one person from EV2 will be out of TNA soon. It was reported that the contract of Rhino has ended recently and there is no plan at the moment from TNA to give him a new offer so that leaves Rhino out of TNA for a while. Also, it was reported that TNA did not have anything (thank god) creative for Sabu, and that leads to another one who will not be back to TNA in a while.
Fortune. Sabu\Rhino\Stevie being fired, Fortune attacking Raven afterwards and finishing EV2 for good.
* Fan's Are The Lumberjacks Match: The Pope vs. Abyss:
This could be the worst match in TNA for a couple of years, there is nothing good that can come out of this match, and on that note, I think Abyss will win just because TNA will not stop the Immortal momentum to give a win to Pope that had a lot of backstage heat for a while now.
* X-Division Title Match: Jay Lethal © vs. Robbie E w/Cookie:
Potentially, this could be the match of the night, but sadly, the moronic Jersey Shore esque character stops this match from being great, Robbie E got a lot of talent, atleast from what we saw so far from him, but his taunt, and some of this moves are just moronic to the point that it is deluding his actual talent and his stupid gimmick. On top of that, Lethal only had the title for two months or so, and It wouldn’t make sense to let him drop the title after only one and a half feud.
Jay Lethal.
* TNA Tag Team Title Match: The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Team 3D (If Team 3D wins, they retire champs):
Ever had to wonder why TNA or any wrestling company for that matter tease a retirement but it never really happenes? Well, unless I am totally reading the creative side wrong, Team 3D just re-singed their contracts with TNA, and unless they will be agents\development agents backstage, I cannot see how Team 3D will not pick up the win, it just doesn’t make any sense to tease something like that and not turning heel Team 3D if they will pick up the titles.
Team 3D and turning heel since “they fooled” MCMG that they are retiring.
* TNA World Title Match: Jeff Hardy © vs. Matt Morgan:
What more can you really say about this match? It was supposed to be Anderson Vs Hardy, but then TNA remembered and realized they cannot give their big face to job the first title match of Hardy, they need to build up this match more, and after a few more matches, even if Hardy will still retain, it would make more sense. Matt Morgan as a heel was boring, stale and annoying, now as a face? It will be even more moronic.
This is obviously as mentioned a jobbing match since it is the first title defense of Hardy since becoming heel, and there is no chance that Hardy will drop the title to Morgan. Interestingly enough, AJ Styles was supposed to do the face turn instead of Morgan, but TNA felt it would not go well, I say, it could have been great to see Styles face again, instead of suffering with another over-rated boring wrestler as Matt Morgan.
Jeff Hardy.
If Matt Morgan picks up the win and THE TITLE (not a no DQ win) I will stop watching and covering TNA.