Saturday, April 30, 2011

Extreme Rules Preview/Draft Wrap-up

Another ppv means another mother freaking podcast! Verkk and Jay900 are bac again with all the going's on in the wwe and even some tna talk? WHO CARES ABOUT THAT SHIT! Also we review the first 4 weeks of the best show on tv right now, Tough Enough.

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wrerstlemania 27 Preview Part 2

Verkk and Jay are back again with the final wrestlemania preview show. We also talk about the news of the last week. Get ready for the c bombs!

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

TNA Victory Road Preview\Predictions

Victory Road on paper got some decent matches, but the results can be a tad bit obvious, but as some might say, anything can happen.

Jeff Hardy vs. Sting ©
I do not think there is a way for TNA to justify Hardy getting the title back. It is pretty obvious to me that Sting will retain, but I wonder what will happen next for Hardy. I guess we will have to find out. Perhaps a face turn against Immortal?

Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam
It only looks like TNA can turn a guy like Anderson heel a week before a PPV match, since this week on Impact, Anderson attacked Sting, and from that it would look like TNA will build Anderson as a heel going against Sting while leaving RVD maybe to go against Hardy without any title parts to it. But as TNA ended, I can see a way for TNA to bring Sting against RVD as an “honorary” and “respected” angle for their feud leading forward.
Ken Anderson.

* Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles
This is the strange match out of them all, despite the fact that Hardy and Styles clashed (no pun intended) on Impact and gave Ric Flair the win in the three way match, I would assume Styles will pick up the win to continue the feud with Ric Flair. As TNA usually are, it could end in a very awful way booking wise and leave the result just as an official thing and give Styles the win, but Flair and Hardy attack him afterwards.
AJ Styles.

Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan
The shift between Morgan being face and Hernandez being heel kinnda makes this match unpredictable with its result, the same odd thing happens in WWE right now with Orton and Punk since Orton “punted” Punk when Orton was a big heel. On another note, Hernandez got some heat a few weeks ago with botching his finisher on Douglas Williams and I think if anything, this is the reason Morgan will get the victory, just to punish Hernandez.
Matt Morgan.

Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Kazarian © vs. Robbie E
Coming from this week's Impact, it looks like TNA might split Max and Jeremy, and in that case, it will almost looks like the feud between Kazarian and Robbie E will continue, but start a new feud between the two “brothers”. While it may be possible to give Robbie E the title and to really confirm the continuation of the feud, the most likely thing is to retain Kaz and give Fortune the momentum as a group and their titles.

Ink Inc vs. Beer Money ©
I seriously doubt that Beer Money will drop the titles any time soon, especially to a very lackluster tag team like Ink Inc, on top of the fact that this match is a face vs face type of deal regarding the “vibe” of the match, I really cannot understand why Shannon Moore and Jessy Neal are still together, sure, their “characters” can be similar, but it just does not work, especially now.
Beer Money.
* Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer
Tommy Dreamer's track record in TNA is really weird, I do not think he ever won a one on one match on TNA since he debuted, and since it looks like the feud between Bully Ray and Devon will continue, I would say that Ray will pick up the win to get the momentum for his heel character.
Bully Ray.

Sarita & Rosita vs. Angelina Love & Winter ©
Since I'm not really following the scene, it is hard for me to really say the result, but since I do think Sarita just debuted in TNA, I guess they will want to give a new talent the title.
Sarita and Rosite.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is wrestling podcast WM preview and last 2 week recap

Jay and Verkk are back once again but this time its the hype for wrestlemania! Will the show suck? What matches will take place? Also we recap the news and feuds of the last few weeks.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

WWE Elimination Chamber Preview\Predictions

WWE's biggest PPV WrestleMania is just right around the corner, and with that in mind, it is time to talk about more than just the actual PPV and more about the implications of the PPV towards WrestleMania.

WWE RAW Elimination Chamber – #1 Contendership for WWE Championship:
* John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. Sheamus vs. R-Truth.

This is the most interesting match in the PPV by far, this could lead to so many WM matches and here are my theories:

1. John Cena Vs The Rock (WWE can do the “dream match” for who I don’t know, but yeah… if The Rock is going to wrestle and not just “host” the event, it will be a Cena Vs Rock match or possibly, a Vince McMahon Vs The Rock match involving Cena against The Rock's choosing).

Cm Punk Vs Morrison (the recent build up between the two looks like an obvious WM match but this could be a simple way to put Morrison in the main event on Raw and SD! more fluidly).

Orton Vs The Miz (This could be the best way of the WWE putting Orton on a Wrestlemania title match as a leading face hunting for the title that he tried to get from The Miz for three PPV's. And with the fact that Lawler Vs Riley or Lawler Vs Riley with Cole as referee could distract that angle aswell to give a “pure” match between the two).

Sheamus Vs HHH or someone from SD! for a crossbrand gimmick match (I can see a face “King Booker T” Vs King Sheamus if the HHH Vs Taker match is locked).

2. John Cena will pick up the win and go against The Miz for the title, Randy Orton will have a match against CM Punk and Morrison will be in the Money in the Bank match.

John Cena to go against The Miz at WM27.

WWE SmackDown! Elimination Chamber – WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
* Edge (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Wade Barrett vs. Drew McIntyre.

Note: Dolph Ziggler has been removed from the match after the “firing” angle on Smackdown.

With Ziggler being out of the picture, this match could go three ways in my opinion:

1. There will not be a #6 entrant to the match and from there, it will probably go with a very classic match leading Edge retaining to start the WM feud with Del Rio.

2. There will be a #6 entrant with someone that recently was cleared to wrestle again (Bourne, HHH- unlikely or Christian) or the more reasonable possibility that Booker T or Kevin Nash will fill the spot since it looks like both of them are in the company at some capacity, especially Booker T on the SD! Announcing team.

3. The #6 entrant will be The Undertaker leading to a mysterious attack on Undertaker during the match and that will go to the teaser trailer that the WWE is hinting at, and while it is basically Undertaker, it could be someone like HHH coming back on Raw identifying himself as the attacker of Undertaker at the PPV to start a (pretty locked WM match) feud against Undertaker for a Career Vs Streak WM27 match.


Edge to continue the feud with Alberto Del Rio at WM27.

While the number 2 and 3 theories are just possibilities for story advancements towards WM, the most logical thing is to retain Edge and his title. Drew and Barrett are still not at a level of leading Wrestlemania, especially since they are both heels and it would not make sense to put them as faces to go against Del Rio. Sadly, the case will be Edge retaining since the WWE will not have guts to put two young wrestlers coming as champions at WM to lead the PPV that is not a main event guy since The Miz is the young champion on WM this year.

WWE Championship:
* The Miz (c) vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler.

I cannot understand on any merit why the WWE would not give a young talent a title shot (like they did with Morrison) instead of Jerry Lawler, and while I do have respect for him and everything he did, if the WWE will put The Miz at WM27 as the champion (which is a bad decision to begin with) on top of the rumors of having Lawler Vs Riley at WM27, this is a terrible decision for a match, this will look very weak for all participants involved.

The Miz

Non-title Match:
* Alberto Del Rio vs. WWE Intercontinental Championship Kofi Kingston.

Totally a filler match to give a distraction to the main feud between Edge and Del Rio at WM. Even though I can think WWE can give Kofi the win, this is definitely a momentum match for Del Rio and his “Destiny” angle with a PPV victory to brag about.

Alberto Del Rio.

WWE Tag Team Championships:
* Santino and Vladimir Kozlov (c’s) vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel.

With The Corre build up on Smackdown, the obvious thing here is that it looks like Gabriel and Slater will pick up the titles for the second time and with that, Gabriel and Slater are set for the Tag Team division, Wade Barret on the main event scene and Ezekiel Jackson to go with upper-card feuds with people like The Big Show, Kane (if he will have a face turn sometimes soon) and perhaps even against Undertaker if the WWE will want to build a small Corre Vs Undertaker feud.
The actual match will probably be pretty bad, their recent matches were just atrocious but I do think putting Corre on the tag titles could lead to some interesting feuds.

A feud against “New Nexus” members like Otunga and Mason Ryan or more obviously is mcguilicutty and Harris could be quite good, or the most reasonable thing is the winner of NXT4 if it will be Derrick Bateman or Johnny Curtis since both Daniel Bryan and R-Truth are faces but If Brodus Clay will be the NXT4 winner, it would make sense that Santino and Kozlov will retain, since this is a planned thing for the WWE.

Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

WWE Royal Rumble Preview\Predictions Article

The Miz Vs Randy Orton for the WWE title:
With its long title reign, it would make sense that The Miz will retain the title to get the proper "heel" momentum over Randy Orton, on top of the fact that my theory that Orton will pick up the title at Elimination Chamber and not tonight.
If the The Miz Vs John Cena at WM27 is true, I would take a guess and say it will not be for the title, therefore Orton will pick up the title at Elimination Chamber. Obviously, Orton can pick the title tonight aswell and start building the last rematch at Elimination Chamber agaisnt Miz and obviously sell Orton as the big face leading to WM27 as the "Face" Champion.

Edge Vs Dolph Ziggler for the World Heavy Championship Title:
It would make sense that Edge will retain the title, go for Elimination Chamber as the champion and lead WM27 as the champion, but, as we mentioned on the podcast, it would be boring to see Edge being the champion for 3 months, so, we hope Ziggler will pick up the title tonight and have a month title reign until Elimination Chamber leading either Edge Vs Ziggler at WM27, or Edge regaining the title and going against Alberto Del Rio at WM27.

40 Superstars Royal Rumble Match:
The general consensus is that Alberto Del Rio will pick up the win and go against Edge at WM27. It is definitely a good way to go, but if Rio will not win Rumble, I hope it will be someone young like Ted Dibiase or Drew Mcintyre and not another main event guy like Cena or Punk continuing the path of main eventers winning rumble and having the same big matches, WWE needs a change, and this the year for it.

WWE Royal Rumble Preview\Predictions Podcast

This month we talk about alot of news regarding HHH, WM27 rumored matches and the actual Royal Rumble match.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

TNA Genesis Preview\Predictions

TNA Genesis can be on paper one of the worst cards in a long time, but I do think some of these matches can be good enough, sadly, it is all about the story and the angles at the moment, and even some of those angles are just bad, can TNA pull a decent upset with the Immortal "pressure"? Probably not.

#1 Contender for the TNA Title

Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan:

The on-going angle of Anderson and his concussion may gave Immortal some heat, but the matchup between Morgan and Anderson is just bad.

On top of the fact that I really do not understand how TNA is even trying to hint of giving Morgan another title shot after the last two horrible matches between him and Hardy.


Ken Anderson.

TNA Television Championship Match – If AJ Styles loses he is out of Immortal\Fortune

Champion Douglas Williams vs. A.J. Styles:

TNA got a weird track record of giving and taking titles from wrestlers in recent weeks, and with the angle of Styles leaving Fortune (if he losesw), it only looks like a decent way to turn Style face again and perhaps go against Immortal sometimes this year. I could be wrong obviously and Styles will regain the title, but then, what was the point of giving it to Williams? Just to have a horrible way to “motivate” Immortal members to step up their game (as a story\angle that is)? Really bad creative call if this will actually be the case.


Williams, leading to AJ Styles to a be excluded from Fortune and give him a Face turn.

TNA Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money:

With the big angle for Immortal, I cannot see TNA removing Beer Money from Immortal\Fortune, and with the really lackluster title reign of MCMG, It would be quite logical to give Beer Money the titles and perhaps, get a decent feud against someone else than MCMG and Generation Me.


Beer Money.

TNA X Division Championship

Champion Jay Lethal vs. Kazarian:

The weird decision to give Lethal the title just to give Kazarian a Face person to take the title away from him is really odd to me. I do not think Kazarian will be out of Furtune since he will not be a good Face, and there is no reason TNA will remove Kazarian from Fortune just to push him as a singles heel competitor.



Brother Ray vs. Brother Devon:

This entire feud was just bad since day one, it was predictable and disappointing, both Devon and Ray are not good alone, TNA tried to push Ray and Devon as single competitors for a few times, and all of those tries failed miserably.


I would choose Devon, just to give him the “last word” on the very heel segments and momentum for Ray.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy's handpicked opponent:

It would be interesting who TNA got in mind for this match, also since Anderson will probably pick up the win, I wonder how TNA will give RVD “his chance” to face Hardy as promised, the actual match is not really interesting, but more of the direction TNA will go with.


RVD. Unless TNA is going with a different angle\new feud for RVD.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle In An "Exhibition":

I am not sure if this match is official or not, and since it looks like the reports of who it is might be a spoiler, for now, I will just talk about the general direction of this match.

This whole MMA challenges with Jarret is not bad with the actual mma parts of it, as it was leading to the last PPV, but TNA is dragging those segments way too much. It is pretty obvious in a first glance who will win this, but with the fact that Samoa Joe lost to Jarret and the big Immortal angle, it would be interesting to see, even though it is pretty clear that Angle will win.


Kurt Angle.


TNA has to exclude someone from Fortune\Immortal to do send a message and keep the major angle going, from all wrestlers, Styles is the only one who can work as a face pretty decent, and for that, TNA might put Styles against Hardy (which is having a lot of problems lately with this allegations for his drug bust a few years ago) for the title.

Tna genesis preview/Recap of recent events in wwe podcast

Another ppv and its time for another podcast. Plus we talk about all the story's and might i add AWESOME things going on with the wwe.

Runtime 3:22:02
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