The Miz Vs Randy Orton for the WWE title:
With its long title reign, it would make sense that The Miz will retain the title to get the proper "heel" momentum over Randy Orton, on top of the fact that my theory that Orton will pick up the title at Elimination Chamber and not tonight.
If the The Miz Vs John Cena at WM27 is true, I would take a guess and say it will not be for the title, therefore Orton will pick up the title at Elimination Chamber. Obviously, Orton can pick the title tonight aswell and start building the last rematch at Elimination Chamber agaisnt Miz and obviously sell Orton as the big face leading to WM27 as the "Face" Champion.
Edge Vs Dolph Ziggler for the World Heavy Championship Title:
It would make sense that Edge will retain the title, go for Elimination Chamber as the champion and lead WM27 as the champion, but, as we mentioned on the podcast, it would be boring to see Edge being the champion for 3 months, so, we hope Ziggler will pick up the title tonight and have a month title reign until Elimination Chamber leading either Edge Vs Ziggler at WM27, or Edge regaining the title and going against Alberto Del Rio at WM27.
40 Superstars Royal Rumble Match:
The general consensus is that Alberto Del Rio will pick up the win and go against Edge at WM27. It is definitely a good way to go, but if Rio will not win Rumble, I hope it will be someone young like Ted Dibiase or Drew Mcintyre and not another main event guy like Cena or Punk continuing the path of main eventers winning rumble and having the same big matches, WWE needs a change, and this the year for it.
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